Hi, Iam Hanae

life and food lover

Hanae Airaki is fascinated by life, love for the Earth, and its inhabitants. Eight years ago, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, acquiring knowledge, learning, and personal development tools along the way, allowing me to better understand myself, discover my best version, and understand my role in society. During this journey, I fell in love with Macrobiotics and decided to join the Macrobiotic Institute of Lisbon and the Azuki Macrobiotic School.

I have been practicing Macrobiotics for several years, and in truth, I have always practiced it. I come from a humble family in northern Morocco, and my mother dedicated her life to raising her children. All my meals were prepared by her using organic and local products. Coca-Cola or other refined products never found their place in our home.

I worked in the automotive industry for a few years, during which time I had to learn to practice Macrobiotics with limited time and manage it in the best possible way to derive maximum benefit.

Today, I offer my service of intuitive Macrobiotic kitchen with a Moroccan touch in retreat spaces located in the Porto or Alentejo areas.

I provide in-person and online counseling for those interested in integrating a more balanced diet into their lives and living their purpose.

I also conduct workshops related to Macrobiotic energy-based nutrition and health and well-being.

Macrobiotics has allowed me to understand the connection between my body and the food that I had never realized before. It’s not just about feeding the “machine,” but about a perception of the relationship we have with ourselves. It’s a ritual of self-care, respect, and love. Taking care of our bodies through nutrition is synonymous with taking care of our minds and souls.

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